• Girdlers' Hall

Welcome to the Girdlers' Company

Welcome to the website of the Girdlers’ Company, one of the 111 Livery Companies of the City of London.

The Company, which was involved with the making of girdles (or belts), received its Letters Patent from Edward III in 1327. While it no longer practises its craft – although it has the honour of presenting the girdle and stole worn by the Sovereign at each coronation – it remains a Company closely connected with the government and Livery Companies of the City of London, the fellowship of its members and various charitable works.

This website aims to give an introduction to the Company, its history, organisation and principal activities and relationships. While contact may be made with the Company via the Clerk, we regret that we are unable to undertake any historical research but please note that the Company's archives, which are managed by the London Metropolitan Archives (LMA), are held in the Guildhall Library. Details of how these can be accessed can be found here.